You have any idea how crazy my classmates thought I was when I passed my comics around?
Many people have blame there, including the major, but I don't think it would be fair to rest all or even most of it on him.
The US is full of airports and planes. They don't have [to] leave from New Orleans or Florida to drop supplies there.
s be replaced by something else for the title and the author? I wouldn't think they'd use the same font size for the title as they would the print.
I don't know if I can believe anything they say now.
I can't picture you throwing tantrums. Did your parents sedate you afterwards to establish getting mad=not getting mad? If so, that's what I'm doing with my kids. It's all about establishing a routine.
For the next week and a half or so, I walked in various states of cripply goodness, and on this last day in London, I was forced to walk with my right leg completely straight, no doubt looking like a modern American peglegged pirate and greatly embarassing my travelmate.
instead of The Cubs so people wouldn't automatically think they sucked)