filling needs the world never knew it needed
Stick figure families are pretty ubiquitous in our area -- four to six cutesy cartoon figures decorating the lower left side of an SUV's back window (sometimes with names attached to aid hopeful pedophiles), directly across from the window stickers identifying the fifteen sports the kids play at Herndon High School.
Coming soon from my invention labs, using the profits from the Hood-Baby, will be a set of bonus stick figures that you can use to troll your family friends. The first prototype (concept art on the right) will be the Creepy Uncle. The next time you visit your stick figure loving friends, surreptitiously slap an uncle down next to the family and see how long it takes to notice.
Based on the expected success of Creepy Uncle, other varieties will be released, such as The Other Woman, Last Single Friend, and a special negative tint sticker that will let you "disappear" family members one by one over a month (or a single day if you are trying to convince your friends that they are living out the plot of Back to the Future).
Preorder your Creepy Uncle today!
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