This is the side of a board game box I bought for a friend as a Christmas gift. Score another brilliance point for the advertising industry.
Work continued this weekend on Auricle. I was able to incorporate much of my earlier work from the PRIMA project which was designed to recognize patterns in music but was never completed. With a few minor rewrites, I was able to extract the enharmonic functionality, and I now have a playable onscreen keyboard which can be assigned any ordering of pitches (where the order adds up to a single octave, like major and minor scales, modes, and Neapolitan and pentatonic scales). Playing a note on the keyboard will also spit it the proper enharmonic spelling based on that pitch ordering.
My plan for the afternoon is a trip to Costco to pick up wrapping paper and two new pairs of glasses. In Virginia, there's a law that prevents optometry prescriptions from being used after one year (even if your eyes have no changes), so I ordered two stylish new pairs a scant four days before expiry.
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