I passed the Amazon Web Services Certified Developer - Associate exam on Tuesday morning, which gives me the right to use this logo image in any non-obscene contexts, and the right to end any and all conversations by asking, "Well why don't you put it in the cloud?". I got an 81%, and although the actually passing grade seems to be a close-held secret based on fuzzy math and fuzzier peaches, the general consensus seems to be that it's somewhere around 65%.
Altogether, it took about a month of regular after-work study to train for the exam, and the questions were surprisingly applicable to real world knowledge (not just variations on memorizing arbitrary numbers or trick questions). Of course, I can't reveal the actual questions, as they're under NDA, and Amazon would probably punish me by revoking my Prime free shipping.
Next up on my agenda is to take the Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam, because apparently there's a 40% overlap in the materials for the two, so I might as well take it while it's fresh in my mind. For laymen, Solutions Architects are the ones who tell everyone what to do from their ivory towers, while Developers are the ones actually getting their hands dirty trying to implement the impossible dreams of the architects.
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