Total Comments: 458 Old Names: KSB First Post On: 01/19/2004 09:51 PM Last Post On: 11/25/2024 03:04 PM #1) Monday, January 19, 2004
#4) Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Man, I hope you come to the Oscar Party in Falls Church so you can fill out a ballot with these terrible picks so that mine can BEAT yours!
#12) Thursday, September 29, 2005
"I want the perfection and the clarity of the recording, and I think listening to that outweighs any added energy the performance gets from being live."
When I first read that, I thought surely you must be joking, until I kept reading. Then it made more sense to me: You don't like Bruce Springsteen, but you comment all the time on songs by bands I've never heard of (Athlete, Starsailor), but that all sound "pleasantly" identical to me.
You just don't like rock music, do you? You like pop, but not rock. Rock is not meant to be perfect. It's as much about the attitude as the music itself. Have you ever been to a rock concert? If you're listening for "clarity" and "perfection" you're missing out on an entirely different experience.
What about classical concerts? Do you like those?
#13) Thursday, September 29, 2005
I agree with Mike on this one. I don't think that the cds are "as good as the performers can get" - I think part of what made them jazzed about music in the first place was the response they got from playing in front of their friends/parents/audiences and the resulting kick-ass-ness that happens when they feed off the audiences energy and you simply can't capture that on a studio produced CD.
#19) Monday, November 07, 2005
It's good to get outside your comfort zone every now and then. Too bad you didn't take advantage of trying something new for dinner. Maybe next time.
#20) Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Thank you for not writing all 36 in one day. When I saw 36 at the top, I actually scrolled down to the bottom to see if there were really 36, and only started reading once I saw there were only 12. went from Tutt to Hutt? Seriously?
#21) Wednesday, November 16, 2005
I thought you said you were the only trumpet. That clip from A Chorus Line clearly has other trumpets.
I had the same two bots added to my AIM list. They are stupid bots.
#24) Monday, November 28, 2005
I am impressed that you managed to use the word "vittles" twice in one update. Happy late Thanksgiving!
#25) Tuesday, November 29, 2005
I see a trend in the news stories you posted today... Are you sure you told us EVERYTHING you want for Christmas?
#26) Wednesday, November 30, 2005
You don't like Kate's acting? I think she's pretty good. she's good at giving different looks: sexy look, pissed look, scared look, sneaky look, etc. Anyway, she's way better than Ana Lucia.
#35) Tuesday, January 17, 2006
What got you so into Les Mis in the first place? Didn't you go see it in highschool along with the other musicals out in the 90s (Phantom, Saigon) and then just leave it at that? Why can't you just leave it at that?!
#36) Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Man, there's a lot of the country you haven't seen if you think Tallahassee is Hickville, USA.
#37) Wednesday, January 18, 2006
The trick is to put on all of your ski gear and stay inside for several minutes until you're sweating so profusely that you MUST go outside where it's cooler. Then, once you start moving around outside (AKA, skiing) the physical activity keeps your body warm. I suggest you try it too before dismissing it. :)
#41) Thursday, February 02, 2006
I think I may have answered one or two of those polls and I check this site everyday. I just don't SEE them. I know they're there, but I just don't see them. It's weird, I know.
#42) Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Four of my Favorite Dishes: (It's so hard to pick only 4! Ooh, I know, I'll change it to favorite restaurant dishes and favorite dishes that I make)
Restaurant dishes 1) Navrataan Korma from Haandi 2) Crabcakes Cavallo from Another Broken Egg 3) A slice with spinach, sun-dried tomatos, and feta from Decent Pizza 4) Artichoke Dip from Andrews
My own dishes 1) Huevos Rancheros 2) Black Bean Rollups with avacado-ranch 3) Hamburger Strogenoff 4) Mashed potatos and gravy (comfort food!)
#43) Thursday, February 09, 2006
Oh man, Infocom games were the best! Thanks for this blast-from-the-past entry!!
#46) Thursday, February 16, 2006
I must have your number wrong, because only the first four digits are the same.
Also, you have a lovely phone voice.
#47) Monday, February 20, 2006
Wow, the couch and TV both look like they've been punished and sent to opposite sides of the room, REAALLY far away from each other.
#48) Thursday, February 23, 2006
Dang, Brian. You read/listened/played all that in one day? I know you haven't exhausted the stash yet, but at that rate, it will only take a week or so. I repeat, dang.
I have a Ramona story: I too read all the Ramona books as a kid, and one birthday I excitedly opened my presents to find that my mom had gotten me a Ramona book that I had already bought myself from the schools bookclub. I cried and cried, not because I was upset that I didn't get a new one to read, but that my mom knew me well enough to get me something that I really liked!
#49) Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Wow, you're way off about Brokeback Mountain. WAY off. It's going to win in pretty much every category it's nominated for.
#50) Thursday, March 02, 2006
Wow, I can honestly say that I disagree with all of your picks. Are you trying to pick the one's that will win, or just the one's that you like? I'm very confused.
1) I am obsessive about the order of my refrigerator. Everything has to be neatly organized with the labels facing front, and NO expired products are allowed. I have even been known to re-organize/clean the contents of my friends fridges when visiting their houses/apts.
2) I make my bed as soon as I get out of it.
3) The only body part of mine that I habitually crack is my left ankle.
4) I write myself to-do lists everyday and take great pleasure in crossing things off my list. Sometimes if I do something that is not on the list, I write it on after the fact just so I can cross it off.
5) I don't keep a journal (electronic or paper), but I do keep a calendar/planner and write down all of my social activites after I do them so that I can look back and know what I did (and as a result, how I felt) on what day. It's a great reference tool and argument solver as well.
6) Despite my OCD tendancies, I am a HUGE procrastinator.
#57) Monday, April 03, 2006
Anna, I didn't ignore you, but I don't use the blog on myspace, and I knew you would read my post here, so I chose to do it here. I was responding to you AND Uri. :)
#58) Thursday, April 06, 2006
"What are examples 2 and 3? I totally can't place either of them."
#62) Thursday, May 11, 2006
I can't believe I missed the Police!! hahaha. This was fun, Brian. I think it should be a seasonal event!
#63) Friday, May 12, 2006
When I was up in VA last week, I totally started a new WoW character on Chris's account and got her to level 15 before I left. Love that game. :)
#64) Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Yum! This sounds delicious and easy to make. Still doesn't sound as good as your cheese soup though - man, that's some good soup.
#74) Friday, August 04, 2006
Ok, I'll let the toll-booth comment slide, but lets get one thing straight: I'm NOT from South Jersey, I'm from NORTH Jersey. Any Jersians can tell you that there's a huge difference. It's funny you mention the left turn roundabout though....because that's exactly what you have to do to get to the hotel: exit right to go left. :)
#78) Thursday, September 07, 2006
I love that you kept all of your old school artwork and projects and tests and bring them out occasionally to give us a glimpse of what you were like as a kid. You drew some awesome pictures for a first grader!
#80) Friday, September 15, 2006
Woohoo - the photo montage returns for another year - love it. Happy Birthday, Brian! Late 20s are fun, don't listen to Anna. ;)
#83) Monday, October 23, 2006
Hooray for mentioning the metrically ambiguous Wake Up! Would you even know that song if you hadn't done such a fine job making my examples look so pretty?
#86) Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Well I certainly don't feel bad about missing #10 since I've never even heard of it. Thanks for the gift certificate, Brian!
#88) Friday, November 10, 2006
Ugh, I HATED the interuptions of LOST too. So stupid. The breaking into shows thing should be reserved for emergencies only. That was hardly an emergency. Enjoyed dinner last night!
#108) Monday, April 02, 2007
Why do you include Popeyes, but not other food? How much do you spend at Costco (and wherever else you shop for food) a year??
#109) Thursday, April 05, 2007
Very much like you, especially the bullet points at the bottom. There are some inconsistancies between the description at the top (enjoy working with people) and the bullet points (rather work with machines than with people), but overall it describes you well.
#110) Wednesday, April 11, 2007
I really need to show you how to make real mashed potatoes. So simple and SO much yummier than instant! :)
#111) Thursday, April 19, 2007
Wow, way more interesting than the actual hats was the variety of facial expressions in your photos! You are quite the actor. Kudos, fun post.
#113) Wednesday, May 02, 2007
We boycotted the tissue paper too - who needs it! I think you should do an Evite for your wedding. Go green! Save the trees!
#114) Wednesday, May 09, 2007
I hate long posts? Not true! I like the stories of BU's life! I do skim through any reviews, computer game posts, Alias posts, etc - basically anything non-BU. :)
#115) Wednesday, May 09, 2007
PS - look at Bush's left hand in the photo of your newslink. "Dude! I'm standing next to the Queen! Rock on, man!"
#116) Wednesday, May 09, 2007
That update had nothing to do with YOU, that's why it was boring.
#120) Wednesday, June 13, 2007
It just wouldn't be a 12 of 12 without a naked shoulder/chest shot of BU.
#121) Thursday, June 14, 2007
Hooray for MIKA! I'm glad you mostly like the album. Just out of curiousity, what do you catagorize as a "straight pop tune?"
#122) Friday, June 22, 2007
Happy Birthday Rebecca!! I had no idea, or else last night I would have wished her a happy birthday in person.
#123) Thursday, June 28, 2007
I would like to state for the record that I have only voted once in your poll. I would like to know who else is voting for me and Chris! (ps - we totally would win. we're sneaky)
#129) Monday, August 20, 2007
Lakehead!!! Super cute. Thanks for posting all the cat pictures. Too bad Booty and Titan are both neutered - they would make cute little cat babies.
#131) Monday, August 27, 2007
1) There ought to be a law against enormous restaurant portions.
2) Michael Vick belongs in Hades.
3) I hate having to choose between Lake and Titan?
4) In the future when tasty food is replaced completely by vitamin pills, I will not be aware of it because I will have been dead for hundreds of years.
5) The thing about babies is that they're freakin adorable.
6) Everything would be alright if only I could think of an answer for this, number 3 and number 8.
7) The only thing worse than a politician is a door-to-door salesman.
#140) Monday, November 05, 2007
Oooh, ANY question? Who are the 2 people you've been in love with (#113 on your about me list)? If that is too personal to answer, how about this general question: how do you know when you're in love? It's a tough question to answer - I think I lot of women might say, "you just know!" but I guess my answer is when you cannot possibly imagine your life without the other in it.
It's weird - when I listen to this I hear exactly the opposite. I see in my mind two guys drunkenly swaggering towards each other in cowboy hats and boots and spurs and the whole getup, as if ready for a leisurely duel.
#143) Thursday, November 22, 2007
Wow, look at the clothing of the two groups: the first group favors blues and greens, while the second one has lots of reds/pinks. Interesting. ps - Ella's pigtails are super cute!
#145) Monday, November 26, 2007
November 1997: I was a senior at Wake Forest, and Chris came to visit me to see the Indigo Girls perform on campus. He slept on the living room floor of the crappy house I shared with 3 other girls. Almost 9 years later, I would marry him. :)
#146) Friday, November 30, 2007
How were the kitties? Perfect angels, I'm sure. Thanks for checking in on them!!
#147) Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Hahahahaha - this one had me laughing out loud at the office. :) In New Jersey public schools, you had gym every day starting in 7th grade. We would change in and out of our gym clothes EVERY DAY for the next 6 years until graduation from high school. Every season in high school, we had to pick a gym activity that we would do for the next several weeks. The most coveted was "tennis and jogging," which involved "jogging" (meandering) down to our tennis courts which were out of sight of the school itself. Then we would "play" tennis (hit a few balls over the net) for a few minutes before we "jogged" (meandered) back to school. It was essentially social hour. :)
#148) Friday, December 07, 2007
Ut oh - does this mean I actually have to update my blog more than once a week now that you're pimping it out for readership?
#149) Friday, December 07, 2007
In an unrelated comment, why doesn't Mike ever comment on your blog anymore? LURKY!
#150) Thursday, December 13, 2007
Wow, congrats, Jim on the Queensryche song - I never would have gotten that. I had no idea Brian listened to them. :)
I got a Eurorail pass in 1998 when I went and it was definitely worth it, but our travel was between major cities only - never the countryside villages that it seems you may want to hit. Renting a car from Paris to tool around france, and then taking a train from Paris to Barcelona may be the way to go. We took an overnight train from Paris to Barcelona, which was great because we didn't miss any days of sightseeing (I totally just wrote sightsinging and had to delete it).
#156) Wednesday, January 16, 2008
We found the metro in Paris to be extremely convenient and straightforward to use, but we also did a lot of walking because it's just such a darn pretty city in the summertime! In Barcelona we took an awesome bus tour around the entire city which let us get off and on at our own pace for sightseeing. Buses ran continuously throughout the day and as long as you could find the bus stop where you got off and had your pass, you were good to go!
#158) Tuesday, January 29, 2008
The metro actually SAVES me time getting to work. If I were to drive, it would take me probably 2 hours between traffic and finding a parking space in the city. The metro is reliable, hardly ever has delays, and I don't have to worry about finding a parking spot. Gotta say I disagree with you on this one.
#162) Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Ew, that is gross - I can't listen to it either without visualizing dandruff flying everywhere off an itchy dog. Ew.
#163) Wednesday, February 27, 2008
So did they also clean your teeth, or are you going back for a separate trip for that? Or are you blowing it off?
#164) Thursday, February 28, 2008
Ok, so #9 and #10 were freaking impossible and worth the 5 points each, but at least I have heard of the artists. But 2 measly points for #5? I've never even HEARD of that band! All I'm saying is that it's way too obscure for a 2 pointer. :) Great contest though - would love to see more of these!
#166) Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Larry looks SO happy in the photos - woohoo! So whats the deal with a Tuesday night wedding? Very unusual. did the date of March 4th have special significance for them?
#167) Monday, March 10, 2008
Awww, great memories! Booty is totally in my lap in that video game picture, but she's so tiny, you can barely see her!
#168) Monday, March 10, 2008
Ha! Clearly, the look on my face says it all. Not amused. :)
#169) Wednesday, March 26, 2008
On our own for two and a half weeks!! How will we cope? Where are the kitties staying?
#170) Monday, April 28, 2008
Did you keep track of how many bottles of wine you drank on this trip? :)
#171) Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Has it really only been a year of Museday Tuesdays? Seems like way longer.
#179) Thursday, July 24, 2008
I too am rather shy, but was EXTREMELY shy as a child. Every summer I went to sleep-away camp for at least a week. One year (I was probably 11 or 12) we were on a hike in the woods when one of the other campers stepped on a wasp nest. Naturally, chaos ensued. Everyone was running around, screaming and flailing saying they'd been stung. I actually DID get stung, on my upper lip. Being super shy, I was too nervous to say anything about it, so I just quietly held the cuff of my sweatshirt up to my mouth for the rest of the hike. Not til a few hours later did one of the counselors approach me and ask me if I was okay, to which I calmly replied that I was fine, I had just gotten stung. I removed the sleeve from my face to reveal a hugely swollen lip and the counselor's face went pale. We immediately went to the nurse, but like I said, I was fine. I just didn't want to make a fuss.
Years later (2005), I badly sprained my ankle by missing a stair in front of two people (my future husband and a co-worker of his). Rather than reveal my immediate excruciating pain, I waited til they left, crawled to the bathroom and locked myself in there to deal with my pain privately. I guess old habits die hard. Makes me a little bit nervous about how my shyness may impact childbirth when that day comes...
#183) Friday, August 22, 2008
Wow, someone out there is wondering if I have a blog? I'm intrigued. Anyway to use your spidey sense to get more info about where the search came from?
#184) Tuesday, September 02, 2008
I see you are sporting the dreaded sock-tan line, courtesy of band camp, no doubt.
#185) Wednesday, September 03, 2008
My brother and I had all the castle sets (Knights Castle, Kings Castle, Black Monarch Castle...and I think I'm missing one). We would set up huge kingdoms in our basement and play for hours. The drawbridges sometimes had issues, but you couldn't beat the horse decorations.
#187) Monday, October 06, 2008
Man, what a night to miss poker.
Beautiful ring!!! Congratulations! Can we call you Briecca now?
#188) Wednesday, October 22, 2008
My mom cooked every night of the week except Sunday night, and we ate as a family Mon-Sat, rarely with an exception. My brother and I would alternate chores of setting the table or clearing the table depending on the week. Sunday nights were "snack night," where each family member would fend for themselves and there were no rules about what we could eat. My dad often made himself a big bowl of popcorn as his dinner. My mom sometimes had just ice cream. My brother often had hashbrowns smothered in A-1 sauce (no rules, no judgments!), and I often invented interesting concoctions made from the weeks' leftovers. Ah, snack night.
#195) Friday, December 12, 2008
Does one of your presents say To: BU From: BU? If so, that's AWESOME.
#196) Friday, December 19, 2008
That photo of Titan and Lake on the couch cracks me up every time I see it. Thanks for watching them!
Also, I admire your OCD with the apostrophes - that is amazing.
#202) Friday, January 16, 2009
Any way you can post your movies in a format that macs can view too? I want to see/hear Ella!
#203) Monday, January 19, 2009
First of all, you moved to FL in 2001. Second of all - 2006? Hello? The most awesome wedding you ever attended in Jersey!
#205) Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Run Chompy, Run! I loved the dog park days. Seeing her make a beeline for the pool was always a highlight. Nothing but pure joy on her face.
I probably shouldn't admit this, but Smitty and I netflixed Step Up AND Step Up 2 the streets. That's right.
#206) Friday, February 20, 2009
Sorry I have been lazy with the blog. I've been spending all my time working on the dissertation and have nothing super interested to write about. By the way, I did mention you in the acknowledgments, sorta. "My friends at FSU" - that counts!
#210) Thursday, April 16, 2009
Brian can review my dissertation when that comes out online - it's sure to get a D-, if not an F. :)
#211) Monday, April 20, 2009
Yeah, your birthday feature kicks the ass of FB's birthday feature. They moved it to the bottom of the screen where it is totally not noticeable, and I can't figure out how to rearrange the junk on the right to make it appear higher. Yours is very prominent - good work!
#212) Thursday, April 23, 2009
You might wanna check your math on those conception dates - unless you're assuming most babies arrive a month early!
#221) Monday, June 15, 2009
Annual "Hilton Head" trip with Smitty's college buddies the second week of August, this year on the Isle of Palms, SC. We plan to stay the entire week, but are going to let our approximately one month old baby make the call.
#223) Monday, August 03, 2009
Happy Birthday UriZone!! I'm really just posting this to see my new avatar. And to say, I hope the 14th edition has more pictures of Kathy's cats and Kathy's baby. :)
#229) Thursday, August 27, 2009
I'm Kathy, 33, trying to figure out life with a new baby. Mallory is awesome, but I do miss the freedom from my pre-baby days a LOT and I'm not afraid to admit that. I also miss poker games and other social events at Brian's. Either we're just really busy, or he stopped inviting us. Host something. And invite us. :)
#230) Monday, September 14, 2009
Yay for babies! Thanks for having us over - sorry you weren't feeling well. Better now?
#236) Friday, October 30, 2009
Aw, crossword puzzles at The Loop! Such good times. I especially liked when we would sometimes call friends for answers.
#237) Monday, November 09, 2009
I'm with Anna on the bags. My mom introduced them to me, and they are SO easy and produce really tasty meat!
#246) Monday, April 12, 2010
Cilantro broccoli - hahahaha. Still trying to use up that cilantro I see. We made cilantro-lime cornbread with it. Not bad.
#249) Thursday, May 06, 2010
Agree with Chompy (the dog). The most recent episode is still sitting on our DVR, unwatched. We'll probably get to it this weekend. Can't wait til the show is over.
#250) Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Wow, the Smith family made 3/12 - not bad! Thanks again for cat care and airport shuttling!!
#254) Thursday, August 05, 2010 1) Who are you?
2) How do you know me?
FSU theory/comp gang.
3) How and when did you find this site?
Sometime in 2001 or 2002 - you probably told us about it.
4) Where is your website?
Eh, I never update it, so no sense posting it.
5) What would you like to say to the rest of us?
Brian and Rebecca are the best catsitters EVER.
#256) Tuesday, September 07, 2010
1) His and hers
2) Without your glasses on in the morning, you miss the cup and hit the wall with the end of the brush
3) The cheapest kind
4) Because it's the cheapest at Costco
#258) Monday, September 13, 2010
Booty and Amber were fed between "Gimpy" and "Cheesesteak." All was well, except for the puke I found in the living room.
#267) Tuesday, November 30, 2010
I remember you kicking ass at your Hauptmann presentation. Thanks for excluding me from the composers' drinking party. Booo.
#278) Monday, August 01, 2011
1) 2001 or 2002, depending on when I learned about it.
2) Centreville, VA
3) The URI! Zone allows me to see photos of Titan (and formerly Lake) when we're on vacay, and that CATaclysmically changes my life for the better.
#285) Wednesday, November 30, 2011
I found the handout you made on enharmonic modulation for Spencer's pedagogy class and used an example in my grad class last night. Uri saves the day again, 10 years later!
#289) Thursday, February 02, 2012
We just watched Midnight in Paris last week and I liked it. It won't win best picture, but I think the nomination is probably because it was a novel-ish idea.
#294) Monday, March 26, 2012
Was that THE first trip to Briland? Loved that day and all the trips to Briland. Minus Chompy's diarrhea and puking. I still have my backpack too!
#296) Wednesday, May 02, 2012
Yay Smiddick wedding in NJ!! And any other time you may have visited the great state.
Hooray for new cars - can't wait to see it!
#297) Friday, May 11, 2012
Dang! A day late for chart day. Great seeing you guys today!
#298) Monday, May 14, 2012
I love making the 12 of 12. Also - Mike, I had to get rid of some books to make room from the ones I scored from Brian. Do you need/want Harmony in Context, or Tonal Harmony (5th and/or 6th edition) & workbook?
#303) Thursday, July 12, 2012
Love it!!!
ps - your cats are still hiding, but in different places. They get adventurous at night and then we have fun finding them in the mornings.
#317) Tuesday, January 08, 2013
Trumpet in 4th grade because during the "try out instruments day" with the band director, it was the only one I made a decent sound on. I later asked to go back and try clarinet and flute again because that's what all my friends played, but I still sucked at them. Stuck with trumpet through grad school but play it only occasionally now. Wish I had taken piano lessons longer than a couple years as a kid, since that is actually a really useful classroom tool (as a theory teacher) that I don't have.
#318) Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Love this post. I love how Brian saves EVERYTHING even our AIM chats. Man, that could get us in trouble one day. Luckily he tends to use his powers for good, not evil.
RIP Chompy. <3
#319) Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Wow, you even save old emails! Looking at my datebook, it turns out I did NOT babysit on the night of Jan 26th. Instead, I did this:
"Saw 'Life as a House' with Beth"
"Chili's with Brian, Mike, Mark, and Beth"
"Pool @ Poor Pauls with Mike"
#322) Wednesday, February 13, 2013
I thought we saw Gosford Park in your apt with Totinos. Anyway, I don't remember anything about the movie except that you hated it.
#324) Friday, March 08, 2013
You sort of cheated and didn't color the interstates black, but I finally got it. That was fun! So what's in Way-nes-bo-ro?
#326) Thursday, March 28, 2013
We just watched This is 40 and I really liked it. Perhaps more relatable because I have kids? Thought it was funny but also touching.
#330) Wednesday, June 05, 2013
Yeah, I wanna know more about why that email subject line was Goo-y!
That was my first day at that temp job. And I do remember loving that Clay Aiken song - hahaha!
#334) Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Butterchips. Also useless. Small ceramic or porcelain dishes used to keep butter in the old, old days. My grandfather made me a shelf to display them in my room, so I did. No idea where they are now.
#338) Friday, September 06, 2013
I'm also with you on the carrot and stick. Who knew?
I confess that until very recently I have always been confused when people say the "days are longer" in the summer and "shorter" in the winter. I was like, this doesn't make ANY sense, as all days are 24 hours long. I know now that these people are referring to hours of daylight, not total day hours. Still sounds dumb to me to hear "the days are longer."
#339) Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Saw a great bumper sticker this summer that said, "My zombie family will eat your stick figure family."
#340) Friday, September 13, 2013
Look forward to this photo collage every year. I've known you for 1.5 lines worth!
Hope you had a great birthday.
#364) Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Brian picked a good one. She embodies on the outside how I often feel on the inside.
#365) Friday, January 09, 2015
1) Two. Two.
2) Centreville
3) I already understand everything and can do everything. Duh.
4) A new laptop! Just ordered it today.
#366) Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Thought that was a photoshopped Titan photobomb behind young Brian for a minute.
#369) Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Wow, blast from the past. I miss our constant IMs with boyllama and mikeandchompy. And you were super helpful. Thanks again.
#380) Monday, March 07, 2016
Duh on Chris winning.
Backup battery has been replaced - woohooo! No more beeping. Thanks to Brian for finding it (of course).
#381) Tuesday, April 05, 2016
Eric Fisher from Berkeley Heights, NJ was in my HS marching band, but as I recall he played tenor sax then, not tuba.
#382) Monday, June 27, 2016
Yay! We made the blog! Thanks for coming, Uris. So much fun.
#383) Wednesday, August 03, 2016
Your adoption story is fascinating. Eagerly awaiting the next installment.
#393) Monday, January 23, 2017
Crib, carseat, stroller that you can snap the carseat into (we loved the Snap n Go - super lightweight), DIAPERS
Moby Wrap/Ergo carrier or similar to wear baby around the house and out of the house, changing table/pad/diaper genie, swaddle wraps (we loved the "Swaddle Me"
Not necessary:
crib mobiles, toys, a million blankets, cute impractical outfits
#402) Friday, July 14, 2017
Also, we have a slowly dripping toilet tank over here too. Can you come fix it once your free time increases? Or maybe just write a blog post with step by step instructions with pictures so I can fix it?
#406) Friday, September 22, 2017
100% agree on the baby-draining introvert energy thing. That was one of the hardest things for me to manage in the early weeks. Once naps got more regular, I could count on that time to recharge and it ruled!
She's so stinking cute. And smart and kind too, I'm sure.
#407) Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Yay nostalgia! BTW, I never hated that book and still use the instructor's version to supplement my teaching today. Boooooty!
#411) Wednesday, February 14, 2018
This is so awesome! You had a slideshow at your wedding? I bet it ruled. I was probably walking around somewhere trying to get Mallory to stop crying. You should have another wedding so I can be more present this time.
#444) Wednesday, May 04, 2022
Teeny Smiths!! Let's do a themed (or unthemed) backyard hang with bigger Smiths soon.
#445) Monday, May 09, 2022
I really wanted the end of this story to be more conclusive and involve one of my hero cats. Alas...
#446) Monday, May 16, 2022
I remember to check in maybe once a week or less, but love that you still keep up the blog. I guess I'm a regular online and IRL. Yay me!
#447) Monday, September 05, 2022
Great four part series, Brian. Being in a quaranteam with your family during the early months (year) of the pandemic was life saving for us Smiths (well at least for me!). The mutual respect and support we showed each other was always appreciated. Smuris forever!