It's time for the fourth year of 12 of 12, where you take twelve pictures of your mundane day! You can see more 12 of 12ers at Chad's site.
5:00 AM: Somewhere in the world, more exciting people than I are just getting to bed at this hour. |
5:56 AM: Traveling down the danger-filled I-66 into the heart of Yuppyton. |
6:04 AM: Driving past Ballston Commons to Bailey's Crossroad. |
7:32 AM: After finishing my early morning tasks, I head home through historic Falls Church, which consists of eight churches and a Comfort Inn. |
7:52 AM: There's probably something poetic about the traffic and the storm clouds, but it's far too early for poetry. |
8:28 AM: Cats are so lazy. This one hasn't moved since 5 AM. |
10:10 AM: At Costco, using my $70 coupon for a set of new tires. |
10:39 AM: Eating the Big Two-Do at Friendly's, which is only $3.99 on weekdays. |
2:14 PM: Later in the day, with four new tires and a full stomach, telecommuting. |
3:49 PM: An afternoon snack of chips and salsa. |
7:08 PM: Shells and cheese for dinner, but a lesser version that's not the delectable name-brand. |
7:58 PM: Ending a day of pigging out with triple chocolate ice cream! |
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12 of 12
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