8:10 AM: Up early, working on a brief. |
9:32 AM: Booty's not ready to get up yet. Amber has been up for hours. | |
9:45 AM: Soft-boiled eggs for breakfast. |
10:42 AM: At the grocery store. The woman cart is up top and the man cart is down below. | |
11:33 AM: Preparing the Mojo marinade for our chicken dinner. |
12:05 PM: Playing our new two-player game, Lost Cities. | |
12:51 PM: Alternating between drilling and screwing. |
2:00 PM: Our cabinets now have handles. | |
4:30 PM: Playing Warcraft while Rebecca works out. |
6:58 PM: Booty is not allowed to join us for grilled chicken night. | |
7:02 PM: Mojo-marinated chicken and salad for dinner. |
9:27 PM: Triple chocolate ice cream with chocolate syrup for desert. |
See more 12 of 12ers at Chad's site!
Attorney pleads guilty to keying cars
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