Friday, March 31, 2006

Friday Fragments

Where to come for all your weekend fragment needs

  • I think my left leg must be an inch shorter than my right. When I wear loose-fitting jeans, I always end up walking on the left cuff. There's now a big hole at the base of my jeans similar to the hole you would insert a lip disc into if you were one of those zany African tribesman. Despite this, I prefer loose baggy jeans because then I can wear a belt, and pliant leather belts are fun to wear.

  • The amount of clothes that fit me properly has a direct correlation to the number of female friends I have that buy me clothes for birthdays and holidays. If I didn't know any, I would be doomed to a life of threadbare duds that shrank in the wash.

  • You can now purchase the soundtrack from LOST and support Michael Giacchino, the talented composer of The Incredibles and Alias . I will be getting it simply because I like orchestrated scores and they're a rarity on television shows in this day and age.

  • Wednesday's episode of LOST was excellent. Next week it looks like it'll be a Hurley episode.

  • "If nothing else, I am so happy to be a part of the show's finale. Drew Goddard and Jeff Pinkner are writing the final script, and the final two hours air back to back. It's perfect. It's brilliant. It's exactly the way the show should end. And sitting around that table with people I've worked with for five years, and watching as we hash out the last hour of the series was such a powerful experience. 'Alias' was like getting my doctorate. Because of the accessibility of the producers and writers, I've learned more in five years on THAT show than 100 years in college. And it's nice to have five box sets of DVDs and point to it on a shelf and say, 'that is the work that I am most proud of.'" -- Chad Darnell on the upcoming series finale of Alias

  • I don't understand why there's so much packaging when it comes to chewing gum. Each stick of gum is individually wrapped in foil and then sheathed in white paper. All the sticks are then sheathed in a larger plank of white paper and then hidden inside the outer packaging. I'm guessing that my gum would be safe if I ever had a head-on collision with a bus, but I figure in a few years you'll be able to drop your gum on the ground and watch an airbag deploy.

  • Pet Peeve of the Day: Stand-up comedians who use their act as a soapbox for preaching and stop being funny. There's a tangible shift in tone when comedians veer too far out of laughs and into beliefs. I don't want you to make me think -- I want to laugh.

  • Even though the weather is toasty out, I can't leave my windows open very far because Amber will put her front paws up on the screen and then get stuck and require assistance to free herself. This is bad news for my screens, but it's quite amusing to see Amber stuck on the window with her paws in the air. Booty used to do the same thing in Florida, but she could make it all the way to the top. She was in no way induced to do so by the toy mouse Scotch taped to the top of the window -- that mouse came with the window.

  • Some people have noticed that I use more pictures of Amber than Booty when illustrating my updates. The reason for this is that Booty is in her teenage years where she thinks she's seen and done everything worthwhile. Amber, on the other hand, is LD so you could continuously thrown pennies on the floor and she would run into the room after each one to see what the sound was. This means that when I take pictures of things, she is 80% more likely to be near or standing on the focal point of my picture.

  • I would like to be one of those bloggers that takes artistic digital photographs on a daily basis, but my photos never come out as good as I would like them to. I suppose I could learn to professionally touch them up in Photoshop, but that kind of defeats the purpose. Plus, I bet half the pictures I took would be of interesting cloud formations, and no one gives a rat's ass about those. (The other half would be of Amber).

  • My car has been making funny noises all week (peculiar-funny, not HAHA-funny), and the knowledgeable Anna "I used to work in a Honda dealership" Ahlbin said that Hondas have the squealy brake indicator go off before the brake pad is actually worn down. So after a week of thinking, "It can't be my brakes because the sound doesn't necessarily happen when I'm using the brakes" I'm getting my brakes done today.

  • My car now has 45,000 miles on it, which is pretty light for a Northern Virginian who's owned the car for five years. It's been pretty reliable so far besides the window that doesn't roll down in the cold weather and the three times the car didn't start on the first rev. I'm temporarily driving a tiny Mercury Tracer owned by my parents which floats across the interstate like a dory in a yacht's wake and requires a muscular workout to get up to 60 mph.

  • Last night when we were in McDonald's, Kim heard a middle-age mother tell her flock that it was "ghetto" that no one had refilled the ketchup dispenser. Indeed, if you happen to be walking through downtown Philadelphia and stop by the McDonald's, you will undoubtedly find empty ketchup dispensers to be the most salient feature. At least mom is hip!

  • I don't have many weekend plans other than to do Java Certification, and maybe train my Nintendog to roll over. Tomorrow is Cheryl Sherling's birthday, so happy birthday to her! Maybe, if the weather remains toasty, I'll go up to Great Falls and wander around or something, but I'll probably spend the majority of it inside and working.

  • Have a great weekend!

  • Use the race card to get out trouble when punching cops
    How my husband died in our Shania Twain sex game
    "She did not realize it had been written by someone else". Riiight.

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