Posts from 06/2023
There are no major spoilers in these reviews.
Man Seeking Woman, Season Two:
The second season of this show full of bizarre skits about relationship tropes has some very funny moments but doesn't feel as fresh as the first season. With only one more season to go, I'll probably finish it off, but am in no hurry to binge it.
Final Grade: B-
Party Down, Season Two:
The second season is better than the first, although the vibe feels a little different with Jane Lynch gone to Glee and Megan Mullaly taking her place. Worth watching if you like raunchy humor mixed with a tiny bit of character development. On Hulu.
Final Grade: B+
The Diplomat, Season One:
This show about a woman becoming the ambassador to England when she had expected to do "real" work in Afghanistan has a very unique flow and fun energy. It sometimes feels like the show, Homeland, if the main character weren't broken and if people cared less about who carried out the terrorism and more about who should be invited to tea. There's a lack of closure in the ending (another season is probably in the works), but otherwise we enjoyed the whole first season. On Netflix.
Final Grade: B
A Man Called Otto (PG-13):
This is a by-the-book sentimental movie about a curmudgeon whose suicide attempts keep getting interrupted by the well-meaning people around him. There are no surprises, and I think it would have worked a little better if Tom Hanks had looked about 10 years older than he does. On Netflix.
Final Grade: B-
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More notable artwork from April 2023.
They draw a lot of self portraits in Art class these days.
Instruction manual for riding a bike.
She has an umbrella to keep her dry.
Two bunnies waving at each other from across the river. I'm most impressed by the advanced use of perspective in this art. The far bunny is smaller! The near bunny is facing away! Artistry!
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Sep 2017 - May 2023
I've cut my own hair since 2004, having always hated the barbershop experience. I keep a piece of paper with the dates of my last haircut taped to the inside of my medicine cabinet as a reminder for when the next cut should occur. Here is the most recent data before the page filled up:
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There are no major spoilers in this review.
It's been 11 years since Diablo III was released as a shallow, cartoony mess, and 9 years since Blizzard turned it into something worth playing long-term with an expansion pack. Diablo IV arrives in a new era where Blizzard games are no longer an auto-preorder because of a string of misfires (the overly monetized mobile version of Diablo, the Warcraft 3 remake that was broken out of the box, killing Overwatch 1 then dropping development on the only features of Overwatch 2 that made it different from 1, and the general ickiness of monetization and battle passes).
I purchased Diablo 4 with reservations, but reasoned that I would get at least enough entertainment out of it to warrant the high cost. And so far, I'm having a great time -- I haven't played Overwatch 2 since.
Diablo 4 returns to the dark mood of the first two games in the series while retaining many of the more enjoyable, accessible features from Diablo 3. The gameplay loop is satisfying and the story is serviceable without inducing cringes. Graphics and sound are perfect.
The classes I've played (sorcerer and rogue) have a good amount of depth and customization even though the skill trees feel a little shallow. The game is challenging, even on normal mode, forcing a little more thought into the way you build out your character. My only nitpick is that there's a noticeable amount of rubberbanding when trying to maneuver around corners and clicking in just the wrong spot.
For many people, a game like this doesn't truly begin until you've beaten the story mode once and progressed to higher difficulty levels. My main character is only level 43 right now, so I can't guarantee that the experience won't go sour once I hit 50 (I'm still only on Act II in the normal mode). Blizzard has plenty of room to mess things up with seasons, battle passes, and monetization, but for now, I'm happy with my purchase and looking forward to trying out every class.
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Meeting up with the Ahlbin clan at Rady Park in Warrenton.
Maia's first, brief hot tub experience at our rental in Delaplane.
Dressed up in the depths of Amissville for a retirement party.
The final resting place for the Novetta broccoli logo -- the side of a sheep barn.
Discovering ants in the Children's Discovery Zone at Sky Meadows State Park.
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12 pictures of your day on the 12th of every month
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12 of 12
There are no major spoilers in these reviews.
Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (PG-13):
This is a pleasant stab at a movie set in the D&D world that doesn't require a lot of background lore going in. Hugh Grant as the villainous conman is probably the best part.
Final Grade: B-
John Mulaney: Baby J:
John Mulaney's most recent standup special is pretty personal, focusing on his recent drug rehab, but still very funny. On Netflix.
Final Grade: B
I Think You Should Leave, Season Three:
There are maybe three skits that are as funny as those found in the first excellent season of this show, but it's still worth watching (episodes are very short) just to appreciate the crazy connections that Tim Robinson came up with as each skit steadily goes off the rails. On Netflix.
Final Grade: B-
Wanda Sykes: I'm an Entertainer:
Wanda Sykes' latest standup hour starts strong but gets a little too serious by the end, killing off the momentum. On Netflix. Can you tell we've temporarily reactivated our Netflix account?
Final Grade: B-
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Rebecca celebrates her 40th birthday with a petting zoo!
The goats.
Ian listens to Grandpa read "My Truck Is Stuck".
IRL Mario Kart.
Realizing that handbells make more noise than shouting.
Meanwhile, Rebecca and Maia take an overnight trip into Shenandoah Valley.
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This picture was taken 30 years ago, on June 4, 1993, and was recently unearthed at my parents' house.
This was taken at my junior high Freshman Prom (called the "Freshman Banquet" for some reason that did not involve cannibalism) and shows the pack of friends that mostly stayed together throughout the night. From left to right: Zulfan, myself, Rachel, Beza, Jennie, Michelle, Cheryl, Geoffrey, and Michelle's date from another school.
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I've been using the DuoLingo app to fulfill my 2023 goal of learning Spanish to communicate better with my neighbors. I purchased the $83.99 annual pass because the ad-supported tier is absolutely useless for anything other than trying out the app. (Between the very slow loading screens and the twice-as-loud ads after every exercise, it's impossible to keep focused or make much forward progress).
I usually spend 15 - 60 minutes per day using DuoLingo. It's a mixed bag with a few more positives than negatives.
The Good
The Bad
Final Grade: B, at $84 per year the app is still cheaper than an in-person course, but the amount you learn is directly dependent on your daily motivation. The convenience of having it on your phone may outweigh the dearth of true teaching.
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Random Ian Factoids
Stuff Ian Says
Here is Ian trying to take a picture with Maia's little camera, taken last Spring:
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Notable artwork from May 2023
"Once a pon a time there was a buro.
A littll bunny livd in it.
The bunny wnet to the garden
All winter long he had eneuf vegee's.
This is wat it looks like in his buro."
A dragon!
L: A true story about a flower.
R: "I see a bunny"
"L: I am planting flowers." Maia's final kindergarten report card noted how she liked to label all of the things in her pictures.
R: "It's felld day!" Maia was excited to eat popsicles and get wet on her school's Field Day.
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New photos have been added to the Life, 2023 album.
June's Final Grade: B+, nonstop, but very fun
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