Brian Uri! is a forty-four-year-old native of northern Virginia. Following graduation from T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Virginia (1996), he spent five years at Virginia Tech where he received degrees in Computer Science and Music, with a minor in Mathematics. He then prolonged his adolescence for another two years by earning a Master of Music at Florida State University. Brian has worked as a software engineer and solutions architect for over 20 years now, and is married to the delightful Rebecca Schum Uri.
The URI! Zone was conceived in August 1996, and has since evolved into the bloated behemoth that it is today. The entire site is © 1996 - 2024 by Brian Uri!. Please request permission before using anything from the site for other purposes. Questions can be sent to .
This site is a custom creation running on Apache Tomcat through Amazon Web Services. It uses the Spring Framework with various jQuery plugins and looks best in any modern browser.