Friday, February 10, 2006
Friday Fragments
I just make the fragments. It's your job to combine them into the Optimus Prime of the English language
There was an article in the Washington Post Home section yesterday about couples who live in tiny living areas . One couple lives in a 416 square foot studio, which is roughly the size of the two bedroom apartment I had in Florida. I could very easily live in a tiny area as a single person, since I'm only three feet tall and sleep standing up, but just couldn't fathom sharing that space with another person. Even married, I can imagine there are times when I'd just want to be by myself -- not because I plan on marrying a wretched ho who never stops talking, but because by nature I'm a quiet, solitary person. If my house only had one room that was constantly shared, I would either go insane or take a lot of bathroom field trips.And if the bathroom were also part of the single room, I think the wedding would be off.Wednesday's LOST was excellent. Even though they didn't really advance the island story very much, it was an episode that toyed with your preconceptions, and just when you thought the "big reveal" had occurred, the writers kept tossing more surprises on top, throwing viewers completely out of their equilibrium zones. TV rarely ever geniuinely surprises me, which is why J.J. Abrams needs to fail at feature films so he'll come back to TV and create more cool shows.There was supposed to be a new LOST on February 22, but ABC replaced it with a rerun after seeing that it would be going up against a two-hour American Idol and the Winter Olympics. I would definitely watch LOST over either of the other two. Why do you need two hours of Idol in one night when the combined Idol time in February already exceeds the rise and fall of some smaller Chinese dynasties? And who really watches the Winter Olympics, or any Olympics at all? I have to admit, though, that I would watch a game show where contestants had to sing songs while ice-skating around a rink and if the audience hated them they would throw sharpened skate blades at them. I would call it "Skate Or Die".I used to think that Brian Uri! was a great name to have on the Internet, because my username could be "buri", which is concise and easy to type. Sadly though, half the sites I visit have a minimum length requirement on their usernames, and the other half already have "buri" taken. How can there be other "buri"'s out there? It's not like I'm "djohnson" or anything banal like that.I never give my cats milk, but they can apparently smell it from a million miles away and come running whenever I pour myself a glass. Milk: It Does a Booty Good.I think everyone who does not have a blog should make a blog. And everyone who has a blog should update today so I have something to read. Have you visited Today at Work yet?Yesterday, President Bush issued a statement about all those Muslim "Danish cartoon" protestors that they were overreacting and selfishly milking the incident for their own agendas. This is 100% true. This is also not something you say as the leader of a country to an already offended body of people. This rule of diplomacy seems like it would be common sense to me. I bet all the Childs Left Behind could deduce this without any exam prep time. Oh well, we don't need all our tall buildings anyhow.The funniest sound effect on TV is Ryan Stiles (of Whose Line Is It Anyways?) saying "squeaky squeaky". I don't know why.No poker this week, but maybe I'll spend some time catching up on Oscar-nominated movies. The problem this year is that most of the multiple nominees are still in theatres, and I don't plan on paying ten bucks a pop for a really crappy movie with impeccable Art Direction. Maybe I can submit my site as a legitimate Oscar predictions site and get a pass that will let me see all the movies for free. And while I'm at it, maybe they will send me a mail-order bride that cooks, cleans, and goes to work, so I can spend all day sitting on the couch watching movies.I'm leaving work today around 11:30 and then doing absolutely nothing productive with my Friday afternoon. Give me a call -- maybe we'll do dinner. This weekend, I'm going to start on my Java Certification. I keep saying that like it's going to happen -- this could be the weekend! It's like winning the lottery except you don't get any money and a ticket costs $450.Have a good weekend! Is World of Warcraft the new Golf? Whenever you have a story about a spelling bee, you have to S-P-E-L-L something in the headline Teen falls out the window while using the bathroom
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