widescreen edition
6:34 AM: Getting a slightly late start to the morning. It's always harder to wake up when it's chilly out.
6:50 AM: A view from the driver's side window, while on my way to work. The car's console is reflecting in the window glass over the ONE WAY sign -- there are no ghosts in Herndon.
7:35 AM: At my desk, working hard.
7:52 AM: Reenacting the Heroes DVD cover, using only the Sun and the Oracle building.
11:31 AM: When 12 of 12 falls on a Friday, you can always bet on seeing a picture of Popeyes.
11:38 AM: A scenic picture of the brisk Fall sky, complete with Dominion Power lines.
11:42 AM: I hate election month.
11:48 AM: Welcomed home by two lazy-assed cats who didn't even clean the house like I'd asked.
3:09 PM:: After a few hours of working from home, I took a break for a quick snapshot.
3:48 PM: In the basement, prepping for the installation of the second half of the new carpet on Sunday. Now that almost every room in the house is renovated, I'm not sure what I'll do in future 12 of 12s. I may have to resort to cat pictures with misspelled captions.
4:34 PM: Doing one final mow of the yard before the Fall!
5:45 PM: Looking in the fridge for something to eat. I ended up being lazy and having leftover chicken in mushroom/sour cream/onion/lemon/dill weed sauce that Rebecca and I made last night. Everything is better with dill weed.
See more 12 of 12ers at Chad's site!
My Old 12 of 12s 2006 | |||||
J | F | M | A | M | J |
J | A | S | O | N | D |
2007 | |||||
J | F | M | A | M | J |
J | A | S | O | N | D |
Happy Birthday to Rick Dunham on Saturday and Dan Shiplett on Sunday!
Online bid for rich husband deemed poor offer
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12 of 12
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