There are no major spoilers in these reviews, although I do mention that Jurassic Park had dinosaurs.
Combinations by Eisley:
This is Eisley's sophomore effort, and there's definitely improvement here. The vocalist sisters still sing a little too much, in terms of voice to instrumental balance, but they now have more technique and vocal chops. A few of the tracks make them sound like less annoying versions of the Cranberries, and a few others try to be hardcore, but fail because of the light quality of their voices. You can listen to samples here -- the first three on the album are particularly catchy.
Final Grade: B
So Sudden by Hush Sound:
I was immediately drawn to one of this band's later songs on Pandora, but I like to start from the beginning when I actually purchase albums. There is a ton of potential here, but it's not as good as their later stuff. The guy sometimes strays into bad frat rock territory, and the girl doesn't have any confidence when she sings, but there's plenty of room to grow -- I'll probably buy the next album as well. The most detracting part of this CD is actually the sound mixing / producing -- it's mostly flat and doesn't do anything to bring out the vocals, as if someone recorded it on a Minidisc player in a club. You never really know how much a good sound engineer can do until you hear an example of bad mixing.
There are no samples for this one, but here's one I got off the CD:
Hush Sound - Crawling Towards the Sun (363KB MP3)Jurassic Park I and II:
These two movies have actually aged pretty well over the last decade -- even in hi-definition, you can't tell that the dinosaurs are made of Cheese Whiz and toilet paper. I really prefer the second movie over the first -- it's nonstop action and people getting eaten by dinosaurs. The first has a boring first hour followed by a great thirty minutes, as if anyone going into the movie theatre did NOT know that dinosaurs were somehow involved (SPOILERS!) I am scared to watch the third movie out of fear that it might sully the Jurassic branding.
Final Grade: C+ / B+
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