Friday, November 30, 2012
Accountability Day
Three years ago, I made a list of 30 Things I Want To Do and theorized that I would get around to doing three of them. How have I done?
- Learn to play the violin: FAILURE
- Resume my self-studies of jazz piano: FAILURE
- Add song info to 13 years worth of MP3s: SUCCESS
- Compose a new band piece: FAILURE
- Learn how to use Photoshop CS4 in a structured, non-ad-hoc way: FAILURE
- Take some random interest online classes through the free, yet poorly implemented, Skillsoft program at work: SUCCESS
- Learn to program with Google Web Toolkit: FAILURE
- Learn to program in Ruby: FAILURE
- Write more reviews on Yelp: FAILURE
- Review burgers with Rebecca: FAILURE
- Learn enough to pass as a Database Administrator: FAILURE
- Create maps for Half-Life 2: FAILURE
- Learn video editing: FAILURE
- Redo the cabinets and appliances in the kitchen: SUCCESS
- Organize the closets: SUCCESS
- Start an herb garden for cooking: FAILURE
- Eradicate the creepy olive-sized spiders in the shed: FAILURE
- Permanently mount my over-the-air HD antenna: SUCCESS
- Hang out with more people in the vicinity who don't require a thirty minute drive to reach: SUCCESS
- Host the sixth annual Month of Thanksgivings: SUCCESS, then FAILURE
- Create new photo albums for all the unsorted pre-digital pictures scattered about: SUCCESS
- Volunteer for something: FAILURE
- Exercise at least three times a week: SUCCESS
- Cook more: SUCCESS
- Eat more disgusting foods, like fruits and vegetables: PYRRHIC VICTORY
- Exercise Booty more: FAILURE
- Learn Spanish: EL FAILURE
- Relearn French: LE FAILURE
- Work on the Paravia Wiki: FAILURE
- Write more Interactive Fiction.: FAILURE
Summary: BU meets or exceeds expectations by over 300%!
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