Vacation Memories
I spent many summers in elementary school at my grandparents' house in Flint, Michigan. Their next door neighbours had a trampoline, a giant swimming pool, a woodworking shop, and two to four spoiled grandkids. Sometimes when we didn't want to play with them, we'd hide in the den and have our grandmother tell them we weren't home. Every evening after I started playing trumpet, I would play Taps from the front porch which all the old retirees in the area loved. I can't remember how that tradition got started but I found it very embarassing, especially when the cute girl around the corner would bike by.I spent a month after sixth grade with the other branch of the Uri clan in Henderson, Nevada. After a heavy rain, the town flooded and we spent the entire day transporting live smelly turkeys from their flooded enclosure into one on higher ground. There was also an above ground pool that was always well over one hundred degrees and filled with dead bees. Our relatives didn't really like me because I was smart and know-it-all.In the summer following my sophomore year we took our "final" famliy vacation to Orlando, Florida for a week. We took the auto-train there -- the non-stop train from Virginia to Florida that also carries your car along. The only lasting memory I have from that vacation is that I fell asleep with my mouth open on the train and the vibrations of the track overnight shook all my teeth loose so it felt like they were going to fall out for the next two days. All I ate for breakfast that day was a squeezy packet of cream cheese.When I wasn't at camps of one persuasion or another or working in dead-end internships at Pepco, I spent my summer vacations at home which was (and still is) my preferred type of vacation. Wake up late, play computer games, bike all over Alexandria. I would take five and six mile trips daily, sometimes making it all the way down to the waterfront and back. One of these days, I'll buy a bike and a bike rack, since it's obscene that I live two miles from an entrance to the W and OD trail but never go on it. Until then, though, I will get my exercise from chasing cats around the house and praising my fast, if marginally slowing, metabolism.Happy Birthday Brianne!
We are not disgusted by our own babies
Woman discovers coworker is her mother
Monkey gangs are England fans
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