♠ Yesterday, Rebecca left for a camping trip at the Grand Canyon, so I can now invite strippers to house parties with impunity for the next few days. If you are a stripper in need of a venue, and are also willing to bring steaks, let me know.
♠ We grilled some hamburgers on Wednesday night, and discovered that a year-old bag of Costco patties reconstitutes pretty well in spite of freezer burn. My six-year-old grill is on its last legs now though, and a new one might be in the cards in time for summer grilling season.
♠ Speaking of replacements, I'll need to replace my twelve-year-old scanner at some point, since it finally stopped working during the preparation for a Memory Day post. Without a scanner, I cannot subject you to delightful pictures of crap in my drawers.
♠ At the rate of scanning so far, I estimate that it'll take another six to eight years of posts before I run out of history. Then I might have to actually come up with new content for posts -- maybe a "What I Ate for Lunch" featurette.
♠ Plans for the weekend will be pretty boring. Because Rebecca is catching wild mules at the bottom of the canyon, I'll probably be at the computer all weekend cranking out a new release of DDMSence involving Schematron (which is not as cool as it sounds), and maybe writing another battle report. I might also finish cleaning out the basement closet, which has been the final box in the flow chart of "places to put crap I'm too lazy to throw away" for a couple years now.
♠ Have a great weekend!
Beaver dams visible from space
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