Happy 4th of July!
I've posted a few pictures from my time in Colonial Beach on the BU-Photos page. The trip there and back were fairly uneventful with two exceptions: On the way down, I saw a dead man in a truck in the Braddock Road Exit access road. His headlights were on, but he was parked on the shoulder with his door either fully open or torn off. He was sitting upright, his chin resting on his neck and his left hand hanging down out of the truck cab, clutching something red. If he wasn't dead, he was probably resting off one hell of a night, since it was at about 6 AM on Saturday.
On the way home, I saw my first blatant toll-road violator. He had no Smart-Tag in his car and he brazenly plowed through the lane. A blue neon sign lit up saying, "TOLL NOT PAID" and the license plate camera started flashing a couple times per second. His license plate was JGB-7366. I wrote it down because I was right behind him and may end up getting a ticket in the mail. Feel free to cross reference his V.I.N. and deliver pizzas to his house.
Flesh-eating aliens were chasing me when I caused fatal car crash
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