Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Weird Search Day
or "How I Stumbled Upon the URI! Zone"
what happens to open beverages when someone farts in the room does it stick to the bevs
The ground truth is actually even more invasive. Should someone fart in a room, the fart molecules will expand to fill the empty space (not unlike the Big Bang). The kinetic energy of the molecules will allow them to permeate any liquid substances in the room, ensuring that your Pepsi becomes a Poopsi. Worse though, is that some high velocity farts (specifically those that sound like rent fabrics) can even break the epidermis and get into your bloodstream, bringing truth to your friends' observations that you're full of something. However, being in the same room, they are as well.
choose your own adventure catfighting
enema bags at shopper's drug mart
This takes "Recycle and Reuse" to a whole 'nother level.
"Aaaand FROG."
swingers at reston town center clydes
Actually, it's the Ashburn Clyde's that has a reputation for swingers, but I wouldn't put it past Reston to have a scene all of its own.
Meanwhile, Google is singlehandedly spoiling the fun by encrypting searches by default...
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