Monday, December 16, 2013
Weekend Wrap-up
- Executed a routine trip to Costco, in search of chicken breasts and cheap bagels.
- Played more of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, which is just as charming as his original ghost-hunting adventure on the GameCube.
- Enjoyed the highly visible, yet non-accumulating snowfall.
- Had some of Rebecca's PT circle over for carry-out Thai food from Pattaya Thai.
- Released DDMSence 2.2.0, which was mostly done in April but depends on files that must be cleared for Public Release -- an action whose duration apparently increases exponentially during sequestration.
- Rewatched the first Hunger Games movie as a refresher.
- Watched the second Hunger Games movie at the Alamo Drafthouse, an appealing venue with okay burgers, a good beer selection, and comfortable seats.
- Wandered the neighbourhood looking at Christmas lights.
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