Chad Darnell's 12 of 12
5:08 AM: Showered and ready for work.
5:30 AM: The office has not changed.
6:40 AM: Morning over the Reston Town Center.
9:17 AM: Nothing good left in the variety snack pack.
11:48 AM: Safeway run for a successful Burger Night.
12:00 PM: Leftover pizza for lunch.
12:21 PM: Back to work in my new home office.
2:42 PM: Chopping up the detritus of old desks to fit in the trash bin.
3:15 PM: Exercising while watching
4:30 PM: Taking a cat nap while waiting for the power to come back on. If you squint, Booty is a unicorn.
7:00 PM: Cool weather for grilling.
7:22 PM: 1/3 pound burgers with smoked gouda, portobello caps, and grilled red onions.
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