Today is the twentieth anniversary of the Ninth Annual End-of-the-Year Party! (better known as NAEOTYP!) After a half day at the end of my sophomore year on June 17, 1994, during which I aced exams in Algebra 2 With Trig and Biology BSCS, I was dropped off at home by Jack (sporting his newly minted driving privileges), and set to work preparing for the party.
Above is the sign from the front door, complete with anagrams of every guest's name. As usual, this party also featured a three-team treasure hunt (the Fourth Annual Trezur Hunt, or FATH) which culiminated in a prize of 12 giant TWIX bars. From there, the party executed like clockwork, with badminton and volleyball, 2 Liter bottles of Pepsi, and several large Pizza Hut Pan pizzas (because my friends were all nerds, we were indoctrinated into the cult of Pizza Hut early, through the BOOK IT! program).
The event closed out with half the group watching Aliens 3 in the living room, and the other half playing computer games on my hard-charging Pentium 5 60MHz computer (purchased from Gateway when they still had all of those cow ads).
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