Stuff in My Drawers Day: Mail Edition
From: Michelle Cao
Subject: hello long lost friend of mine!
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996
well, mr. uri it's been a long time since we've even talked together, hasn't it? how do you like tech so far? i'm sure you're making a lot of new friends with that sparkling personality of yours. how has the first week of classes been? i'm so tired from my classes that, as you can see, i can't even bother to use the shift key. anyway, hope you're having a good time and let's try to keep in touch this time, brianna.
love always,
Remember back in freshman year of college when you actually worked hard to keep in touch with all of your high school friends? So charming.
From: BU
Subject: MUT1001: Friday Lesson
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2002
Hi Julie,
On Friday, we'll be reviewing and doing drills in note identification. If you read Chapter One (all three pages!), you might even get a little ahead of the game. We'll also talk about a few mnemonic devices to help people memorize the order of letter names (such as FACE and Every Good Boy...).
I don't know how strong your note ID skills are, but you should try to become fluent in the quiz range as soon as possible (2 ledger lines below and above the staff for each of the four clefs). By fluent, I mean able to recognize and name pitches on any line or space at sight, without having to think hard.
This may sound like a lot, but don't get overwhelmed! I will have an "open-door" email policy this year. Feel free to contact me anytime if you need help, think the class is moving too fast or slow, have suggestions to improve the class, or just need to talk. Monday is a holiday, but I'll be available if you need any help before the next class on Wednesday.
I tried way too hard to be a good teacher to these little music fundamentalists, especially when they were already planning to miss a class during the FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL. That is not an optimal strategy for passing when you've already failed the entrance exam and are in a remedial music class as a music major.
From: Joseph
Subject: RE: Site rollback (
Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2005
Dear Brian,
I transferred your web site, as well as 19 other web sites to a new server yesterday, which would be the cause of the rollback. That rollback however was not supposed to happen, and I am very sorry for the inconvenience. Now that your web site is running from the new server you will no longer have to worry about the performance issues that have been plaguing the old server.
This was the beginning of the end for my time with Futurepoint hosting although I gamely managed to struggle through Indian Tech Support for another two years out of apathy. I have been happy with my new host, Kattare, since 2008.
From: Rebecca
Subject: weekend plotting
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2007
In addition to being everywhere, babies are also in Front Royal. Speaking of Front Royal, I talked to my cousin and she says that she would love for us to come out on Sunday.
SO here's a possible plan for your approval:
- we jaunt out to Front Royal mid-morning (10/11ish)
- hang out, socialize, gawk over baby, maybe play a few games of yatzee, eat lunch/dinner/lu-nner
- come back to sterling after we get bored / they get bored of us
- do whatever / make out
I hope you're having a good night and don't work too hard!
Later, I married this one.
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