There are no major spoilers in these reviews.
Wanderlust (PG-13):
This is a by-the-numbers romantic comedy featuring Paul Rudd being Paul Rudd. It has a few laughs but is mostly forgettable. One of the funnier scenes, showing Paul Rudd talking dirty to a mirror for several minutes seems more like an outtake than part of the narrative.
Final Grade: C-
lovestrong. by Christina Perri:
The "Jar of Hearts" song that plays on every radio station really isn't that good of a song, but somehow manages to get stuck in my head all of the time. There are a couple other good songs on this album, but Christina Perri suffers from a timbre issue similar to April Smith: when you listen to one of her songs in isolation, she's got an impressive set of pipes and a unique sound, but it's overkill when you listen to an entire album without pause.
Final Grade: B-
The Litigators by John Grisham:
This book is a few notches better than the last 4 or 5 lawyer books from John Grisham's photocopier. There are absolutely no new ideas presented, but he's taken the familiar chunks that work and mixed them together into a "pleasant for reading on an airplane" soup. If you need anything more than that, you're better off finding another author.
Final Grade: B-
Catch Me If You Can by Frank W. Abagnale:
This is the memoir behind the Leonardo DiCaprio / Tom Hanks movie of the same name. It was a quick read -- finished in a few hours -- and pleasantly engrossing. I read this between the Montreal trip and the beach trip, and it got me in the mood for all of the computer hacker books I read last week.
Final Grade: B+
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