I picked up the new paperback copy of John Grisham's King of Torts while stocking my monthly supply of work snacks at Costco yesterday. I'm not sure whether I liked it or not yet -- it wasn't his best but it wasn't his worst. The plot was a little meandering and the jacket blurb ended up being the setup for the storyline, rather than the storyline itself. Grisham still has a hard time giving any character believable motivations but he provides an entertaining few hours of reading.
Yesterday's search terms:
loneliness khachaturian melody, notation sharp one bar, absolute music composers, Ethan Haimo, worst first lines, Liz Benyo, sea turtles reading comprehension, murders of kids in norfolk nebraska, how to figure out time signatures, sharps and flats on a staff, arban carnival of venice mp3, sonata for trumpet and piano by kennan, looney laws georgia, torch pitch, idiomatic rhythms, looney laws
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