I've got five mezzanine tickets reserved for a January showing of Miss Saigon at the DuPont Theatre in Wilmington, DE. Had I been more up on things I would have noticed the Richmond show in October, but Delaware's not too far off. Though it's not the original Broadway production (which closed a while back), the North American Tour version has gotten pretty good accolades from the press. I'm taking some friends up to see it on January 31, as something of a late Christmas present.
Last night, I went to a party hosted by the head team honcho from work. It was held in one of those massive stone Fairfax homes with three wide-open stories, a loft, and in-house gas station. I probably won't be getting anything so extravagant -- I'm looking more for the comfortably-sized homes built twenty and thirty years ago.
Don't put all your money into gold nuggets
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