Ian is now a week old. Comparatively speaking, he is much easier to placate than Maia was at this age -- no tube feedings or all-nighters yet. He wakes up like clockwork every 1 - 3 hours, has an impressive snack (one that even impressed the lactation consultant) as quickly as possible, and then falls right back to sleep.
He doesn't display much personality yet since he only spends a little time alert and awake each day. When we change his diapers he continuously kicks his lanky legs in a effort to cover his ankles in poo like a Nutella-dipped treat.
I've taken 5 weeks off of work this time around (1 fewer than with Maia, but this time I actually get paid for all of it) and spend the days watching Maia while Rebecca recovers from her surgery. Maia and I even made a trip to the grocery store, her first in-store visit since pre-pandemic. She enjoys Ian as much as a three-year-old can before getting distracted by nearby toys or requisitioning his blankets to put on bunnies.
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