Friday, February 28, 2020
End-of-the-Month Highlights Day
New photos have been added to the Life, 2020 album.
- Events
- Visited the Ahlbins and Hickses in Fredericksburg on S 2/1.
- Had a Half-of-Super-Bowl dinner of marinated beefs with Chih, Sena, and Nolan on S 2/2.
- Family playground time in the warm weather on M 2/3, followed by dinner at Ford's Fish Shack.
- Preschool Open House on W 2/5 (Maia got into the mixed age Starfish class on 2/18!)
- Maia's first stomach bug on F 2/7.
- Rebecca and Maia taught Lil Yogis again on S 2/8, followed by family dinner at Red Robin.
- Jax's 3rd Birthday Party on S 2/9.
- Maia's first trip to the dentist on T 2/11.
- Visit from the Uri grandparents on W 2/12 while Rebecca was in continuing ed. classes all day long. Dinner at Ford's Fish Shack.
- Went to "Tea with Teddy" with Maia at the Sterling Community Center on H 2/13.
- Visited the Uri grandparents on F 2/14.
- Rebecca and Maia went to visit the cousins in Front Royal on S 2/16.
- Family dinner at Cafesano on M 2/17.
- Dad-daughter dinner at Fireworks Pizza on H 2/20.
- Poker Night on S 2/22 (1: Chih, 2: BU, 3: Jack, 4: Kathy, 5: Chris, 6: Rebecca)
- Family dinner at Bungalow Lakehouse on S 2/23.
- Family dinner at Local VA on W 2/26.
- Lunch with the Chous at Ariake on S 2/29.
- Projects
- Replaced the ice maker line to the fridge on F 2/7. Goodbye skunk ice!
- Got the air handler fixed after it wouldn't shut off on F 2/14.
- Finished the mouse-exposed crawlspace F 2/14 - W 2/19.
- Screen porch work began on M 2/17.
- Consumerism
- No amazing new shows or music this month.
- Enjoying Elder Scrolls Online again as a quiet, solo game in short bursts.
February's Final Grade: B-, Cold without much downtime.
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