End-of-the-Month Highlights Day
New photos have been added to the Life, 2019 album. Google Photos sucks.
- Events
- Rebecca and Maia went to visit the Gillis family in Oklahoma City, H 5/2 - T 5/7. I had a staycation, with dinners at Miller's, The V, and Burton's.
- Visited my parents with Maia on H 5/9.
- Family walk around the Pidgeon Hill pond on F 5/10.
- Planted tomatoes and had Kathy over for dinner on S 5/11.
- Family dinner at Mellow Mushroom on S 5/12.
- Rebecca dropped her phone in the pool on H 5/16. Verizon briefly turned off mine somehow while trying to transfer her phone number to an old phone.
- Impromptu Ahlbin visit on F 5/17.
- First barbeque of the season on S 5/18 with Larry, Janice, Tammy, Zoe, Aaron, Vanessa, and assorted kids.
- Took a trip to Miller's and the pet store with Maia on M 5/20.
- Family dinner at the new ramen restaurant at Cascades Overlook on F 5/24.
- Had Tammy over for a dinner of swordfish, salmon, and steaks on S 5/25.
- Went to Elijah's 5th birthday party on S 5/26.
- Family dinner at Beer-Bourbon-Burgers in One Loudoun followed by the splash pad for Maia on W 5/29.
- Projects
- Started studying for my next AWS certification.
- Pushed out a new release of Sparkour on H 5/30.
- Consumerism
- Set up my new grill to replace the 8-year-old one on W 5/1. It only took 2 hours.
- Got new kitchen chairs on T 5/14.
- Enjoyed watching the first season of 12 Monkeys and playing Grim Dawn this month.
- No new music this month.
May's Final Grade: B+, the staycation was amazing, but why is it already hot?
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