Vote BU 2016
Having trouble deciding who to vote for in the upcoming election? Take a look at the BU party platform and consider voting for me! When I'm elected as 45th President, these are the changes you can expect to see enacted:
- Arnold Schwarzenegger will be my Vice President.
- Representatives of the great state of Virginia will get 1 extra vote in each roll call.
- Evite will no longer include a "Maybe" option on invitations.
- Funding will be provided to immediately reshoot the endings of Dexter and How I Met Your Mother, with updated DVDs distributed to anyone negatively affected by the original endings.
- All bicycles will be equipped with regulators that force them to stop at road crossings.
- All small, shaggy, barky, drooly dogs will be replaced with Maine Coons.
- Personal Bluetooth speakers will be banned on the Appalachian Trail.
- Kanye West must pass a diction test before releasing another album.
- Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota will be merged into a single low-population state (Mondahota), with the associated reduction in Senators.
- Mobile apps will no longer be allowed to translate perfectly useful timestamps into "4 hours ago".
- The "shaky cam" technique in movies will be banned.
- Facebook will always show you the Most Recent posts.
- Coldplay's Fix You will no longer be allowed in TV soundtracks.
- Supreme Court vacancies will be filled by one of those animals that can accurately predict sports winners, starting with Paul the Octopus.
- Every time Google cancels one of its applications, they must immediately add 10 new cities to their Google Fiber initiative.
- Microbreweries will only be allowed to brew 1 IPA at a time.
- The opening ceremonies of the Olympics will not last longer than 1 hour. To expedite the proceedings, all athletes will be chased by frightful pumas as they march in country by country.
- All movie studios must stop making superhero movies immediately and indefinitely.
- All service stations must be converted into either a Sheetz or a Wawa.
- All procedural delaying tactics in the House or Senate, such as filibustering, must be performed while naked.
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