In the first third of the year, I exercised every day (even when sick). At a minimum, I forced myself to do 20 minutes of Beat Saber VR cardio, jog 1.5 miles, or perform at least 20 minutes of an outdoor continuous activity like picking up trash quickly or mowing the lawn.
As of the end of April, I have spent 50 hours and 10 minutes doing Beat Saber, jogged 30.5 miles, and did 9 hours and 40 minutes of outdoor activity.
I started January out mostly jogging, but quickly ran out of good treadmill shows to watch. In February I switched to mostly Beat Saber, gradually extending the time spent and the speed at which I played the maps. This was great for cardio but not so great for my shoulder sockets. I'm now back to jogging again so my shoulders can have time to recover.
I'm currently holding steady at my pre-pandemic weight, 136 pounds, down 10 pounds from my intra-pandemic high of 146 pounds.
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