Planned Projects for 2024
Ongoing projects
- Caring for this family: A cool wife, 2 cool kids, and a decrepit cat.
- Working 30 hours per week: With health insurance!
- Being the webmaster for Janny Wurts and Don Maitz: Probably the most constant side project I deal with right now.
- Keeping the URI! Zone alive: Lying dormant for its inexorable return to popularity, like the 17-year cicada.
- Being on the HOA: Monthly meetings and litter pickup.
Projects that will probably happen
- Tune my 8 year old cloud empire: Specifically, find out why my cloud compute bills have spiked over the past 2 months with "EC2-Other" charges when nothing in the configuration has changed, rebuild my older end-of-life Linux servers with the latest versions, upgrade from IPv4 to IPv6 if possible, and add more automation to my monthly backup scripts.
- Earn another Amazon Web Services cloud certification: Probably the Security specialty cert, even though it sounds more boring than Gosford Park.
- Buy a new couch: Both my couch and my cat turn 20 in 2024.
- Overhaul and upgrade the Maitz and Wurts Studio Shop: This has been back-burnered for far too long, and is now holding up other server upgrades in this website architecture (Thanks, PHP 5.6!).
- Add the final book from the Wars of Light and Shadow to the Paravia Wiki: The final book comes out in May!
- Do Advent of Code 2024: As if doing the puzzles isn't enough of a time expenditure, I'd also like to learn some animation / graphics basics to do cool visualizations of the puzzles.
Projects that will probably slip to 2025
- Give the URI! Zone a much needed makeover: The look and feel of this website has not evolved substantively since 2009.
- Rip all of my old CDs onto a house-accessible NAS: Amazon Echo is the worst for music now.
- Play the trumpet occasionally: I should have picked an instrument where embouchure maintenance was not a thing.
- Compose new music: I finally took down all of my hopefully-configured MIDI equipment last year but it will return someday.
What do you hope to accomplish in 2024?
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