Eighteen years ago today was May 9, 2000, one of the final days in my fourth year at Virginia Tech. I was living with Kelley in East AJ, had already finished exams, and was just waiting to head back home for the summer (for my first internship at FGM).
On this day, Paige and I went hiking at Mountain Lake, whose only claim to fame was the fact that Dirty Dancing was filmed there. I'm not sure if this particular lake even exists anymore as most reports suggest that all the water drained out through a crack in the lake bed and down into China.
We hiked 3 of the trails over a course of about 5 hours, although much of that was spent sitting on giant rocks and admiring the view of the witch trees. Here are a couple pictures I took with my nearly-a-megapixel digital camera.
In the afternoon, I had lunch in the dorm room, played Starcraft with Kelley (co-op vs. the computer), and did a little trumpet playing on the loading dock much to the chagrin of the people in dorms directly across the street.
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