Maia is now 13 weeks old (or 3 months if you prefer to measure time in glaringly uneven increments instead). She is now great at grabbing things and cooing as a form of communication, and loves our near-daily walks in Claude Moore Park. Her weight still goes up and down around 12 pounds as we had a few days where she wasn't particularly interested in eating stuff. We suspect that she will end up being a slow eater in the future, based on her average time at the spigot now.
Maia continues to be a very agreeable baby in most regards. The hardest and worst part of parenting right now is putting her to bed during the day. She usually hates to go down for a nap unless it's a short catnap in a front carrier that just makes her more tired. Our process manual for putting her to bed ends up being an extended list of one-off tricks that worked great exactly once and then never work again -- Cosmopolitan magazine might as well write a top ten tricks list about getting a baby to sleep because it will be just as realistic as their other lists and something ridiculous might actually work.
In the past two days, we have gotten her to enjoy sleeping in the bassinet more -- this is great for my back and joints, which protest mightily when I wear the carrier around the house all day long. I tend to have my smartphone around much more often these days, since I never know when I'll get stuck hovering near the bassinet for up to an hour . I definitely feel like I have "earned" the right to sleep at night!
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