Today, I did three fugue assignments, composed for three hours, practiced for two, read all the necessary form books, and finished up my web page section on DOOM (which will go up tomorrow). If every day were this productive I could get all my degrees by summertime.
I also had a bowl of Chunky Sirloin Burger soup (with vegetables) for lunch.
"In 1958, Cesare Siepi was playing the part of Don Giovanni in the Vienna State Opera. The script called for him to descend into Hell using a stagelift. So, Cesare said goodbye to the world, and stepped into the netherworld, but the lift got stuck halfway down, leaving his head and shoulders visible to the audience. Stage technicians brought the lift back up and tried to lower it again, but it got stuck a second time and was raised back to stage level. Cesare sang in Italian, 'Oh my God, how wonderful -- Hell is full!' " - recounted in Uncle John's 14th Bathroom Reader
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