Dave McGarry has some new recordings up on his site, so check them out if you're interested . Army of Advisors and Tollway South are both well-done -- the rest are still in transit over my slow modem. It'd be nice if he could get a small group back together for some recording, as I still like a lot of his non-solo recordings the best. As for the remixes, Andy did a really great job with Back on the Ground, although the drums on 24 & 6 sound way too wooden and fake. I'm not sure I like the strings at the end either.
It's peculiar that all three composition faculty candidates are clustered right at the beginning of the alphabet. I hope the Search Committee wasn't using the Yellow Pages approach to picking finalists.
I was reading an FSU newspaper earlier that someone had left out on a bench, and wondered about the universality of bad student writers. Wherever you go, the student-run newspaper seems to be written by horrible Journalism majors who couldn't write their way out of a paper bag. Stories tend to be peppered with irrelevant quotations, trite observations, and a general lack of focus. Movie reviews tend to be the worst (even worse than sports columns). Every student movie reviewer tries to write like a hard-boiled movie hack and ends up with either a superficial analysis of nonexistant themes, or a third-grade book report. What happens to these students when they graduate? Do a significant number of them actually get jobs in the competitive market?
"Rock journalism is people who can't write interviewing people who can't talk for people who can't read." - Frank Zappa
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