End-of-the-Month Highlights Day
New photos have been added to the Life, 2020 album.
- Events
- Took the day off to watch Maia so Rebecca could take the day off and go hiking on H 6/4.
- Sprayed the yard for mosquitoes on F 6/12.
- Rebecca went hiking again on S 6/13.
- Screen porch visit with my parents on S 6/14.
- Two nights at Weather Lea Farms in Lovettsville, H 6/18 - S 6/20.
- Rebecca turned 37 on M 6/22.
- Screen porch visit with my parents on H 6/25.
- Family picnic dinner at Algonkian on F 6/26.
- Maia and Rebecca had a picnic dinner with Tammy and Zoe on S 6/27.
- Backyard dinner with the Smiths on S 6/28.
- Watched Maia while Rebecca hiked Raven Rocks again on T 6/30.
- Projects
- Volunteered for a side gig in web hosting and website modernization.
- Installed sunset blinds on our screen porch on H 6/11.
- Consumerism
- Enjoyed watching Hunt for the Wilderpeople and excited to start Dark, Season Three.
- No new music this month.
- Less Elder Scrolls Online this month as I start freshening up my web development skills again.
June's Final Grade: B, as good as it could have been
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