Wednesday, October 30, 2019
End-of-the-Month Highlights Day
New photos have been added to the Life, 2019 album. Google Photos sucks.
- Events
- Dad-daughter dinner at Fireworks Pizza on T 10/1.
- Went to the Uri grandparents on F 10/4 and had dinner at Fat City Kitchen.
- Took a trip to Montreal, S 10/5 - M 10/7 while Maia stayed with the grandparents.
- Dad-daughter dinner at Fireworks Pizza on F 10/11.
- Went to SterlingFest with our neighbours and won an Alpaca Sweater, then had Poker Night on S 10/12.
- Had dinner with Tammy on S 10/13.
- Family dinner at Bungalow Lakehouse on M 10/14.
- Family dinner at Beer-Bourbon-Burgers in One Loudoun on S 10/19.
- Family dinner at Bungalow Lakehouse on M 10/21.
- Dad-daughter dinner at Miller's on T 10/22.
- The Uri grandparents visited to see Maia and troubleshoot a recurring power issue in the house on W 10/23.
- Went to the Sterling Community Center Halloween party as the Berenstain Bears on F 10/25.
- Went to Mike and Ghazaley's for dinner on S 10/26.
- Had the Loudoun relatives over for a family Halloween party on S 10/27.
- Dad-daughter dinner at Fireworks on T 10/29.
- The Uri grandparents visited again on W 10/30.
- Went to Maia's "school" party on H 10/31. Took Maia Trick or Treating on the court, avoiding the tornados.
- Projects
- Pushed out a new release of Sparkour on S 10/19.
- Participated in a "Puzzle Boat" with coworkers at P&A Magazine.
- Finished adding another book to the Paravia Wiki (one more to go!)
- Consumerism
- Enjoyed watching Stranger Things, Season Three and El Camino this month.
- No music or games of note.
October's Final Grade: B+, Good to just be home after a year of mini-trips.
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