Wednesday, September 30, 2015
End-of-the-Month Highlights Day
New photos have been added to the Life, 2015 album.
- Events
- Had tacos at Old Ox Brewery on F 9/4.
- Hosted a barbeque for Rebecca's yoga friends with minimal meats on S 9/5.
- Went back to Sperryville and Hopkins Ordinary for a hiking weekend on F 9/11.
- Turned 36 and got closer to death on T 9/15.
- Visited with Anna and kids on F 9/18.
- Rebecca started a semester of yoga teacher training on S 9/19.
- Ate brunch with Returned Mike on S 9/19.
- Went to Prema's wedding party in Ashburn on S 9/19.
- Ate burgers with Returned Mike on M 9/21 at the Counter.
- Renewed the domain name for its 12th year on M 9/21.
- Had dinner with my parents on S 9/26.
- Projects
- Abandoned a game development side project in favor of playing more games.
- Worked on another short fuse proposal effort.
- Cleaned and organized the entire house.
- Consumerism
- Enjoyed watching Gone Girl, Whiplash, and seasons of Narcos and Fargo.
- Enjoyed the entire Wool trilogy by Hugh Howey.
- Enjoyed new music by Metric, Whitton, and the Hilltop Hoods.
September's Final Grade: A, turned 36 and can now vote twice.
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