With the new WWII memorial a popular success, Bush has now decided to compare the war on terrorism with WWII . An excerpt from the article:
Wasn't the Cold War caused, in part, by the interactions in WWII? I guess that causing something is one way to determine its conclusion, but that seems like a stretch even for a seasoned marketer. Also, didn't we already try to apply WWII's Domino Theory to the Vietnam War? Didn't we crash and burn and then find that the theory didn't hold true? Bush seems to be saying that we need to kill terrorists to prevent future terrorist states, without realizing that it's our own interactions with the states that are getting them all riled up and resorting to terrorist actions.
If the Domino Theory could be applied to terrorism, then having us recant and go home would eventually turn all of the Middle East terrorist. However, if we stop sticking our heads into other countries' business and fix our own country instead, the terrorists would have nothing to fight for. Therefore, using my degree-enhanced mathematical proof skills, the argument is false.
A lot of people argue that it's not our responsibility to go around policing the world. I think a better argument for our current times is that it's not our RIGHT to do so.
On a very special episode of Cops
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