Yesterday, I went out to one of Anna's sister's house in Winchester to help move an upright piano into the house. The size to cost ratio of the houses out there is ridiculous, and all of them are built with the new age high ceilings that have their own atmospheric conditions near the top. I think I would feel smaller than I already am in a house with rooms that vertically spacious.
After using Filezilla for a week instead of my usual FTP client, I've decided that it has enough pros to outweigh the cons. The interface is very customizable and supports multiple uploads and downloads with a variety of file sorting criteria. It can also keep idle connections alive and browse remote file systems with Windows style layouts. It's a little clunky when remembering your preferences but there aren't any major drawbacks to using it.
Yesterday's notable search terms:
oak kitty booty, quotes by benito mussolini, urizone garbage, washington monument sinks six inches, "kelley corbett" carnival, footmen frenzy
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