My lesson was abbreviated a bit today, but things are progressing nicely on my thesis. I'm about two-thirds of the way through the third section now, and should be well into the fourth section by the end of the month.
The season premiere of Boston Public is on tonight, but it looks like they're losing a few prominent actors from the series who are moving on to bigger and better things. TV shows in general this year seem pretty lackluster. Alias is very good again, and quite possibly better than it was last year. Friends, though still funny, has become pretty one dimensional. It's like the show's writers have taken the most "laugh-invoking" trait of every character and turned them all into caricatures (even moreso than they were before). It'll be interesting to see what happens to Boston Public without the stars -- this season is notable for the television acting debut of Joey McIntire (of New Kids on the Block fame). Good lord...
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