This site was inaccessible for a few hours yesterday evening because I forgot to do a double-check after uploading and missed a small JavaScript bug. Sorry if that ruined your day or emotionally scarred you for life.
I'll be going into the listening exam tomorrow afternoon with 111 of 130 works studied. Of those, I feel extremely confident on about fifty works, and can safely "recognize" another twenty-five or so. I'm not sure how well I'll do at this point, but we'll see. Luckily it's offered again at the beginning of next semester.
Today's update is brief; because I plan on getting several more hours of listening and memorizing titles in before the exam tomorrow. I've been doing random play on my exam MP3 list for the past two weeks (except for those brief Mancini jazz interludes). Once this exam is over with, I plan on listening to music of no redeeming social value until the winter break begins.
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