The maple tree in our front yard came down today by chainsaw.
I don't have many pictures of the front yard from the early years of homeownership. Usually, this tree only appeared in the background of photos showing how much snow we got, when I got a new car, or when they repaved the road. I do remember that it once had full coverage of the front yard in 2004 -- I used to have to rake the front yard multiple times per year, but haven't even done any raking in about a decade.
In 2019 when the tree was in permanent decline, we planted a new maple tree nearby. The new tree sapped the old tree's spirit by shouting "Okay, boomer" and actually being able to grow leaves.
Since then, the old tree has only been useful as a perch for neighbourhood birds.
Rest in pieces, tree. You will continue to serve us by roasting our smores in our fire pit.
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