End-of-the-Month Highlights Day
New photos have been added to the Life, 2019 album. Google Photos sucks.
- Events
- Went to Lake Anne for afternoon walks on W 4/3 and H 4/4, and bumped into our old neighbors, Casey & Amy.
- Rebecca went on an overnight trip to Columbus on S 4/6. Maia and I went to Frying Pan Park and then had my parents over for a dinner of cilantro lime flank steak.
- Had a solo dad dinner at The V while Maia and Rebecca ate Indian food with Car on S 4/7.
- Family dinner date at Burton's on W 4/10.
- Hit 15 full-time years at my company (adjusted for my brief intermission) on F 4/12.
- Rebecca and Car took the bluebell hike at Bull Run on S 4/13. Maia caught a cold.
- Rebecca got sick on S 4/20 so we cancelled our Egg Hunt. I took a walk through Reston with Maia and the grandparents instead, starting at Lake Newport.
- Solo dad dinner at Miller's on S 4/21.
- Family evening at Lake Anne / Calypso's on M 4/22.
- Maia and I had quality time while Rebecca attended a weekend-long yoga clinic with Rolf Gates F 4/26 - S 4/28. We had dinner out at Miller's followed by a trip to the pet store on Friday. On Saturday, we visited the grandparents then had dinner at The V.
- Went to visit the Whitmers in Taylorstown for a belated Easter on S 4/28, then had Car over for a salmon dinner.
- Projects
- Got the roof replaced on S 4/6.
- Rebecca got super into puzzles after our March cabin trip, and we have done 5 puzzles since then. On S 4/20, we finished a 750 piece puzzle in one sitting.
- Rearranged the home office for reduced glare on M 4/29.
- Consumerism
- Enjoyed watching Santa Clarita Diet (all 3 seasons) this month. No amazing new movies or music this month.
- Playing Grim Dawn as a level 40ish Purifier at the moment (after several theorycrafting false starts).
- Upgraded my phone to a Samsung S8. Got Rebecca a new laptop to replace her crappy 2014 HP on H 4/25 -- the 2nd generation Dell XPS 13.
April's Final Grade: A, Great weather, lots of time to spend on non-work things, and Maia is super cute.
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