www.urirealm.com: | 4 | |
www.uricountry.com: | 0 | |
www.urijungle.com: | 2 | |
www.uriuriuri.com: | 11 | |
www.urizoo.net: | 9 | |
www.urizone.net: | 12 |
www.jungleuri.com (duddle-a duddut, duddle-a duddut): | 2 | |
www.superuri.net: | 2 |
Each primary vote was given two points, and each second choice was given one point. At this point, I'm leaning towards www.urizone.net. urirealm is odd-sounding, uricountry sounds like a Disney theme park set in Texas, urijungle and urizoo are odd-looking, and uriuriuri is long and hard to type fluently. I will probably be purchasing the domain name sometime this week, so feel free to write in if you want to try and sway my vote to another domain name.
When I've purchased a domain name and a web host, this site will finally move off of the Virginia Tech servers and you won't have to remember the extended web address anymore. There will also be bonus features like a forum, news comments, and online polls.
The trip to Tech was fun and exciting. I'll probably post a travelogue tomorrow, to compel me to update more regularly.
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