Oh no! I haven't updated my page in a week! Whatever will you do? To rectify this horrid situation, I took a picture of myself in the mirror and ran it through several filters for your amusement.
I've been preoccupied playing the expansion pack to Warcraft III this past week. It's definitely a step up from the original game, and adds just enough new material to the game to make it worth your while. I'd definitely recommend it if you liked the original. I also went to a barbeque for the Fourth of July and played soccer on Tuesday evening. It seems that I've missed a few birthdays as well -- Kathy's was 6/29, Ada was 7/5, and Doobie was 7/7. Today is Andrew Simmons' birthday as well. Happy Birthday everyone!
On Sunday I wrote a new battle report for www.battlereports.com which has (to date) earned an undeserved 9.7. You can read it here if you're so inclined. I still haven't gotten around to converting the rest of the old URI! Domain, but I have the rest of the summer to take care of little things like that.
Of course, the only real reason you visit this site is for new pictures of Booty, and there I shall not disappoint. To see the latest and greatest pictures, click on the Photos tab and then choose Cat Pictures. The newest ones are at the top of the menu.
Until next time, keep fighting the good fight.
Lightning Strikes as a Sign
Doesn't everyone do this with carrots while watching the game?
"I do hope someone makes a fleet out of me when I die"
Hot Dog!
Mobs in the Sims
Wacky mutations
How not to beat off a sausage
Eat Attack
Koreans and their crazy gaming
Gamers are not nerds, they just live at home and sit in a dark room.
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