The Eighth Edition of the URI! Domain opens today to little fanfare. I was unable to update the site two weeks ago because of server problems, and was unable to update last weekend because of my impeccable skill of procrastination. Figuring that I'd better do something good to appease the masses, I decided to go the extra mile and finish off bulk of the new site for this week (one month ahead of schedule! WOW!) (!).
Not everything has been translated over from the previous edition (like the Music page and the Writings page), but there's enough here to keep folks happy for a few days while I continue my efforts. The most important changes you'll find (besides the refinement and simplifying of my interface): news archives are now available directly from the front page so you can check back in time to events of yore, and there are Next and Previous buttons on pages that require a lot of clicking (like the Photos page!) (!! !).
I still will not be updating every day, but updates will occur two to three times a week for the rest of the summer. To get things kicked off in the right direction, I've added a buttload of new pictures of Booty and Kitty. You can find them by clicking on the Photos tab, and then choosing Cat Pictures from the PDA. The newest pictures will always be at the top of the menu under "Newest Pictures", and will then move to their normal position when the next batch comes along. Both Booty and Kitty are doing great, and enjoy playing, sleeping, and fighting all day long.
Besides my homepage efforts, life has been going well in sunny (HEH) northern Virginia. I'm working on a new project at work (there was a switchup a week after I started), and they bought me a P4-2.66GHz computer with all the trimmings to do my work on. I'm not currently doing any Java programming -- I'm doing high-level design and eventually implementation for a demo in August using a content management system. I also treated myself a 19" flat panel monitor which is currently at work for all my coding and lunchtime gaming needs.
Just this past weekend, I went down to Charlottesville and helped my sister and her boyfriend move from there to Christiansburg. They're interested in the Vet school at Virginia Tech and bought a quaint little house for themselves, two cats, and two dogs. In between mowing weeds and dodging mosquitos, I found time to drive up the bypass to Tech, where I hung out with some old friends (one who's getting married in July) and signed on for some marching band arrangements in the Music Department.
Of my wish-list tasks, I still haven't accomplished much, but I'm doing enough sundry activities that I'm not bored or wasting much time. Anna and I are in the process of decorating the apartment a bit (with posters and hangings, not paints and papers), and we also have a fully-stocked kitchen (see below) for tasty experiments.
I haven't learned much guitar, because the positioning of the left hand exacerbates my computer wrist problems. It would probably go away if I practiced more, but I don't have the gumption to get over the initial plateau yet. I also played some basketball with the guys at work and displayed my theory basketball skills by accidentally elbowing someone in the eye. Luckily, no stitches were required.
The next aspect to be added back into this site will be the remainder of the pictures on the Photos page (which should take me no more than a couple days). In the meantime, enjoy this update and the following backlog of news links. There will definitely be a new post here before the end of the week.
P.S. The "Florida" editions of the Domain had 7731 visits as of yesterday. Zounds.
From the incredibly stupid ideas file
Sony is 'cool'
Teens teach FBI agents to be pedophile bait
HSD official obtained Ph.D. from diploma mill
Who the hell plays with a bluegill in their mouth?
Stump the computer at 20 Questions (more fun options if you get an account)
Orrin Hatch: Software Pirate
The Lego Rubik's Cube Solver
Bush negates claims that "anyone" can ride
A novel approach to reviewing games
New software that cuts the bull
Tarzan joins the Special Olympics
Who not to smoke up with
Guppy Love
Happy Birthday Nikki!
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