The counterpoint exam was a piece of cake. Now I've just got to fix the problems in my three-voice project draft which I got back today. I think I try too hard to be clever in the assignments and it comes back to bite me in the ass in ways that aren't always easy to fix.
They've been tearing down a building behind my apartment for the past couple weeks, and thoughtfully gave me a rich coat of demolition dust for my naked car. After waiting for the rain which hasn't come all month, I finally broke out of miser mode to get the $4 "EZ" wash yesterday. So of course, it rained last night. And this morning, the yard crew was out bright and early, mowing up leaves and sending great billowing clouds of dust across the parking lot.
Raking must be part of the more expensive maintenance package our complex didn't order.
"To become famous and get chicks." - composer's reason for studying composition
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