I've been assigned as a research assistant to the new faculty member, Dr. Wingate, who will also be the professor I study composition with. I don't know anything else about him, since (according to other faculty) he may or may not be around until the first day of classes. Apparently, he is spearheading the creation of a new computer music center or somesuch, so my assistantship should be fairly intriguing.
The last of the exams occured today. I probably got about 50% on the History exam, and did substantially better on the Counterpoint and Analysis exams. I have a feeling that I'll be taking the History review course, and possibly one other review course, but I won't know until scores are posted tomorrow and Thursday.
I finally got around to posting the Java battle report, for those of you that are into that sort of thing. Simply click on Writings, then Battle Reports, and look for "1v1 Lost Temple" in the list.
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