Comments for Monday, August 29, 2005

Ex-Roomie (845 comments)
Nice segues today. That should be a pick-up line..."hey baby, nice segues!"

Regarding remixes, I totally agree. They pretty much suck the majority of the time. However there are a few occasions where the remix is actually better than the original song. IE R Kelly's Ignition remix. FAR better, groovier, and more fun to belt out in the car on a sunny day.

Oh and one more thing. There's no doubt that if you had told me to cry you a river I would have shot you. And then crotch kicked you.
BU (1533 comments)
The remix to Ignition (get back into the kitchen) seems to be the one remix that is universally liked.

Here's the story of another river hand where Anna got knocked out. It was very similar to:

8♦ 3♦ 9♣ J♦ 4♦

She went all in with something like:
K♦ 8♠

I knocked her out with:
A♦ 2♥

Ex-Roomie (845 comments)
No one likes that story. It's a very bad story. You're a bad story teller. POO HEAD.
Chompy the Ghost (920 comments)
Get a room you two.
Ex-Roomie (845 comments)
Tree (106 comments)
And you people complain about MY stories!
Rachel (250 comments)
Poker and does she not giggle? River and shall she not revenge?

One of these days you're going to find yourself holding Aces and Eights, Brian. :D
Evil Mike (805 comments)
The great sport of poker.

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